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Entropion is an inward turning of the eyelid and lashes toward the eye, usually caused by relaxation of the eye muscles and tissue due to aging.


Entropion usually affects the lower lid. The skin and eyelashes rub against the eye and cause discomfort and tearing. The irritated eye can produce mucous, and become red and sensitive to light and wind. If entropion is not treated, rubbing of the skin and eyelashes can cause infection or scarring of the eye, which can cause vision loss.


Surgery can be performed to tighten the eyelid and return it to its normal position. The eyelid then protects the eye properly, and irritation and other symptoms subside. Eyelid surgery to repair entropion is usually performed as an outpatient procedure using local anesthesia. After surgery, an eye patch is usually worn and antibiotic ointment is prescribed.


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